House Rules / Disclaimer
- Telford Repair Café is a charity whose purpose is to protect and safeguard the environment by repairing and recycling items which would otherwise be disposed of as waste. We are not able to undertake alterations, up-cycling, modifying, or improving items which are not waste items.
- In offering their item for repair, visitors agree to be bound by these House Rules. Repairs are performed at the visitor’s own risk. We do not charge to repair an item but voluntary donations towards our costs are appreciated.
- Visitors must complete the Repair Form before any repairs can be undertaken.
- Visitors should remain at the venue whilst the repair is being performed. Items should not be left to be collected later except by agreement with the host and the repairer. In these circumstances you must be contactable by phone and return to collect your item no later than the time specified by the host. Neither the Telford Repair Café nor the repairer can assume any responsibility for the safe keeping of the item(s).
- Repairs are undertaken by unpaid volunteers on a “best-endeavours” basis. We do not accept liability for any loss that may result from advice or instructions concerning repairs, or the loss of items handed over for repair, or any consequential loss resulting from work performed in the Repair Café.
- Visitors need to pay for any parts or materials required to repair an item. Any work initiated in the Repair Café but continued outside of the Repair Café’s hours is completely at the discretion of the repairer and the agreement with the visitor.
- Telford Repair Café cannot offer guarantees for any repairs and are not liable if a repaired item does not work properly at home or breaks down in the future.
- Repairers are entitled to refuse to attempt to repair items at their discretion.
- Visitors are responsible for the removal of items which cannot be repaired.
- Neither the Repair Café, nor the repairers is liable for any accidental damage that might occur to visitors’ goods or personal effects at the Repair Cafe.
- Telford Repair Café reserves the right to limit the number of items per visitor, particularly during busy periods.
- The tools and equipment we use for repairs can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Parents must exercise control and be responsible for the behaviour of their children whilst attending the Repair Café. No dogs allowed apart from Assistance Dogs.